Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hw 3: Toward a more participatory democracy

In the first chapter of Blog! by David Kline and Dan Burnstein, David Kline writes "Toward a more participatory democracy." In This chapter, there are many different opinions and opposing views about blogging in America from politics, to the media. The chapter gives examples of many bits and pieces of different blogs but it mostly talks about two very popular blogs that were made with such different opinions. The 2004 election was a very popular time for bloggers to get their political views out there for everyone to see. During this time, blog visits beat fox news online visits by 1.3 million viewers. This shows how much of an influence these blogs are on opinions of voters. Even after this election, millions of viewers were still attracted to these political blogs. Common sense seems to dictate that "political blogs have become a vital source of news and opinions for millions of Americans and an alternative to traditional newspapers and television"(Kline 6).
The media has made a large impact on blogging because so many Americans have lost respect and trust from the media, that many people have found blogging more truthful since it is coming from the people and Americans would rather be persuaded by blogs than the media.The conclusion of this chapter talks about how political blogging is opening up new opportunities to make the political future of our country better for the people.
I was intrigued by how people are so against the opinions in the media, and how they think it is reflecting politics. I wasn't fully aware how much blogging has effected peoples opinions in politics or even how much people thought the media is corrupting our views.