Monday, November 12, 2007

Hw 31: Responding to Riverbernd --Arbil

The Place that I chose that I wanted to learn more about, is Arbil. In the book it was mentioned as one of the northern Kurdish areas where a huge explosion took place on Tuesday, September 9th, 2003. " They say it was a suicide bomber in a car in front of the American intelligence headquarters. The number of casualties varied form news network to news network, but the one thing is sure-- a child in a house e across the headquarters was killed.Horrible" (Riverbend 61). says that "Arbil is believed to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and is one of the larger cities in Iraq. The city lies eighty kilometres (fifty miles) east of Mosul. In 2005, its estimated population was 990,000 inhabitants. The city is the capital of the Kurdistan Region." The latest modern history of Arbil " in the mid-1990s when fighting broke out between the two main Kurdish factions, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). The city was captured by the KDP in 1996 with the assistance of the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein......Since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, only isolated, sporadic violence has hit Arbil, unlike many other areas of Iraq. Parallel bomb attacks against the Eid celebrations arranged by the PUK and KDP killed 109 people on February 1, 2004. Responsibility was claimed by the Islamist group Ansar al-Sunnah, and stated to be in solidarity with the Kurdish Islamist faction Ansar al-Islam." This city is Iraq has a lot of history too it and recently has had a lot of violence, more than most places in Iraq, and has continued to have more and more bombings.

Works Cited:

"Arbil." Wikipedia. 12 Nov. 2007

Riverbend. Baghdad Burning: Girl Blog From Iraq. New York: Feminist Press, 2005. vii-286

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