Tuesday, October 9, 2007

hw 18: least favorite post of the week

My least favorite blog of the week was on the blogsite "Women In the Media and News Voices"http://www.wimnonline.org/WIMNsVoicesBlog/?p=829. The blog that I disliked, was not because I disagreed with the opinion or because of the writing, but it was because the topic bothered me. The women that respond to the news I completely agreed with, but the topic is a bit of a shock. The Blog was about the latest news about Warner Bros. Productions. According to three different producers, The WB is no longer going to cast women as lead roles in any of their upcoming films. They blamed movies that the WB had recently done that were not successful on the female actresses that took part in the films. The response from a female on the article explained how "If that studio confirms that their policy is to now exclude women as leads, then my policy would be to boycott films made by Warner Bros.” -journalist Nikki Finke. Although there were many blogs that I came across with that I disagreed with, this one bothered me more than any other of the blogs that I read that were written within the past week.

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