Monday, October 22, 2007

Hw 23: Virginia Woolf and Feminist Blogging

"With Apologies to Virginia Woolf"

As I was looking through all of the different "blogs" I came across some feminist weblogs which I was very happy about. I was appalled that there are websites that involve people writing journal entries about all different kinds of feminist issues. It is an honor to see women writing and getting their voices out there. Other than that, i feel there are other ways for women to get there opinions heard. I think that for one to spend hours on the computer commenting on journal entries is a waste of time while you could be doing other things more productive. The time I did spend browsing however, I did indeed come across some blogs on the feminist site that I felt were rubbish. The women talked about this one particular article that was talking about politics in the United States but it was more gossip than politics. "Whatever the reason, all these blogs, are worthless for my purposes"(Woolf 32). It is, indeed, outstanding that there are feminist sites, but for the most part they are not to my liking.

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